niedziela, 17 lipca 2022

My calculator models on Explore Your DNA website

    I'm back after a long break! I invite everyone to try and test my G25 scaled calculator models on Explore Your DNA project's website:

If you don't have your original G25 coordinates from Eurogenes, send me your raw DNA data file to:

And I will send you back my own version of G25 coordinates. But I advise to buy also the original ones.


Here is what, for example, the Polish population average scores in each of my calculators:

Basic World K10, aggregated results:

Target: Polish
Distance: 5.1876% / 0.05187572
100.0   West_Eurasian

10 Thousand Years Ago, aggregated:

Target: Polish
Distance: 1.4620% / 0.01461997
43.6   Steppe_Proto_Yamnaya
31.8   Anatolia_Greece_10KYA
17.2   South_Baltic_Coast_10KYA
7.4   Central_Europe_10KYA

World 6th Century BC, aggregated:

Target: Polish
Distance: 0.7674% / 0.00767380
75.6   Europe_East_Central
19.4   Europe_Northwest
4.2   Europe_Southeast
0.8   MENA_Judah_Kingdom

World 1st Century BC, aggregated and ADC 0.25X:

Target: Polish
Distance: 1.0950% / 0.01095046 | ADC: 0.25x RC
74.6   Europe_Balto_Slavic
19.0   Europe_Celto_Germanic
5.8   Roman_Empire_Europe
0.6   Roman_Empire_Anatolia

Best regards,
Tomenable (Piotr Kapuscinski)

2 komentarze:

  1. W kalkulatorze World VI wieku pne istnieje populacja referencyjna o nazwie America Brazil_Savanna_Foragers. Czy ten obszar populacji referencyjnej obejmuje rezydencję Bororo? Mieszkają w okolicach Cuibiá, która znajduje się w stanie Mato Grosso w Brazylii.

  2. Sodepop90 - ta populacja referencyjna nie bazuje na próbkach plemienia Bororo.


My calculator models on Explore Your DNA website

    I'm back after a long break! I invite everyone to try and test my G25 scaled calculator models on Explore Your DNA project's web...